Noosa Waters Residents Association
with Noosa Waters Residents Association
The Noosa Waters Residents Association (NWRA) website offers opportunities for advertising exposure to the 1,200+ households in the Noosa Waters estate and beyond.
General information on the website (including advertising) is publicly available, but some areas of the website are restricted to members only.

Premium advertising on the home page
Get maximum impact when Noosa Waters residents log onto the website!
A premium advertisement appears on the NWRA home page as a 600 x 600-pixel image, which remains on the screen for approximately 3 seconds per advertisement panel.

By clicking on the image, a site visitor will be taken to the main advertisement page which is laid out according to your preference or may immediately redirect to your website.

Business Directory
Accessible from the home page, the website contains a local business directory for advertisers.

Advertisements are categorised according to the service provided.

Expansion of the category show the line advertisements which display business name and contact details, including a link to the business website.
Premium package
An introductory News Post to all subscribers welcoming the new advertiser
Display of a 600 x 600-pixel image on the NWRA website home page on a 3 second rotation per panel of images (image provided by the advertiser) with images rotated weekly to ensure all advertisers get maximum visibility.
Main advertisement page containing banner and paragraph of text detailing the business or service, reached by clicking on the advertiser's front page image (content provided by advertiser); alternatively, the advertiser may choose to bypass the advertisement page and direct the viewer straight to the advertiser's website
Line listing in the Business Directory on the website which provides contact details - business name, contact number, email address and link to advertiser's website (details to be provided by advertiser)
Annual fee of $450
Basic Web advertising
Line listing in the Business Directory on the website which provides contact details and a link to the business website (business name, contact number, email address and website link provided by advertiser)
Annual fee of $95