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Lock outage update 30-11-2023

Dear Members,

We have just received the following update from Council.

Last Thursday night 23rd November, the Noosa Waters lock and weir had an actuator on the southern canal gate fail. Crews worked quickly to remove the effected part and ship it to Sydney on Friday. The actuator has now been repaired and will be installed today. 


The contractor is currently planning mitigation measures to ensure that this failure cannot happen again, and it’s expected to take a few days to rectify. It is anticipated that the re-installation of the actuator, testing and associated works will run into next week. It is anticipated the lock will be operational mid-late next week. Council will update this timeframe as more information comes to hand.


Council has requested a report on the actions that have led to these issues arising. Currently we have no further comment on what has caused the actuator to fail.   



Kindest Regards, 


Technical Officer, Coastal Flooding and ForeshoresCivil Operations and Assets, Infrastructure Services.

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1 Comment

Nov 30, 2023

Great that we are kept updated!

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