Dear Members,
You will now find an updated version of the Noosa Waters Lock - Residents Operating Instructions under the Info tab on the NWRA website. This document includes more information on the wireless remote.
Member feedback on the issues with the wireless remote was passed back to Council, and the following update was received on Thursday.
Hi Neale,
I have been down to test the range on the wireless remotes twice today. I tested multiple remotes, some that have been returned as faulty and some that I knew worked.
It appears that the wireless remote transmission range on the canal side has significantly reduced (it was approximately 25m when the lock opened) to approximately 5m from the gates (which defeats the purpose of having a remote).
The range on the river side varied between approximately 20-40m from the gates. I also witnessed multiple boats utilize remotes successfully from the river side.
I tested all the remotes that have been returned and they all worked. The issue appears to the transmission range from the canal side.
I have spoken to the electrical contractor and they will be attending site in the new year to rectify this issue.
I will be releasing a letter to residents tomorrow to inform them of this issue to avoid everyone trying to return their remotes. I will indicate that users may be required to use the fob built into the back of their wireless remotes when accessing then lock from the canal side until this issue is resolves.
Wireless remotes should still work when in the lock and on river side of the lock.
Infrastructure Services